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Team Development


Well-Known Member
'practise makes perfect' i know this is a cliche but its very true, the more you practise the better you will become. BUT at the same time you have to make sure that the ones who are teaching know their stuff, sometimes its not the dancers fault , but the fault of the ones who taught them the move wrong, without the grace etc etc. We have taken ppl who had nothing but beat, some didnt even have beat. I have personally sat their and made a guy clap through a whole song with me so he would stay on beat and now hes one of the bets on our team. Other then that you have to make sure teh ones who youa re teaching want it bad enough, and actually want to improve.

Practise times i dont think it matters, whatever works for a team go for it. And with fines eventually ppl stop being late, cause no one wants to give you their money but jsut 2 days ago we made $80 cause 4 ppl were late without informing me thats enough for 4 new shikke ;)


Active Member
when we have a practice time that is suitable for the whole team and each member agreed to it...missing practice or coming really late..we jus make do "party" thing buyin us the food(pizza usually) after the practice or the next 1 lol


Fines work the best. In the end the money raised from fines is given back to the team in some way or another


New Member
Mariam, see the thing is it is basically impossible to practice during the day when you have a team of 12 students with 12 different schedules. And with classes starting 8am for some and others ending at 9:40pm, practices for us are always at night.

And tru that vic, the money does go back to the team in one way or another, so it helps fund the team


Judge / Dancer
"wat if ur dancers arent exactly punjabi or indian for that matter?"

Try to teach them the essence, basic ideas of some songs. If you are doing a song about a girl, tell 'em what it's about so they can have emotion and expression, if it's a song about Apna Punjab, explain the pride, etc, so they can be strong and powerful. Make them watch a variety of videos. Burn them lots of bhangra CDs with a variety of songs (Aman Hayer's Sher Punjabi to Surjit Bindrakhia's Cheere Gabroo). I think the biggest problem w/ non-Punjabis or non-desis is they are missing the power and attitude [tohar punjabian diiii]. Find a way to fix that, practice w/ them a lot, make them go "BRRRRUUUAAAHHHH", "AHA!", and "CH CH", a lot. Soon they will be one the best and will start learning exponentially!


yea one of our captains is white and hes cleaaarrlly one of our best dancers. teach everyone(punjabi or not) the meanings of evrything and tell them to watch alooott of videos until they pretty much memorize them... lyrics, movements and everything.


Why So Jaloose?
i like the $20 fine idea. we used to do a dollar a minute, but then u always have some indian saying they told someone or another that they were gonna be late.

one thing that we did for a few weeks was add on however many minutes late the last person that showed up was to the end of practice. so if a practice was from 8pm to 12am and some guy shows up 20 minutes late without prior notification the whole team stays an extra 20, which generally means an extra 30 haha.

i think the hardest thing is to convince people to not be on indian standard time. someone always thinks they can be 10 minutes late cus they figure someone else will be.


Active Member
For right now, we don't fine people for being late. But that's a good idea. We usually just force people to do pushups/lunges in front of the team. Stuff like that...a little humiliation to make people show. But I figure we can go to this fining system.


New Member
Sometimes people are going to be late, people work fulltime, school fulltime or have other outside activities so it can be understandable, but obviously if your just not showing up or giving a heads up, then that aint cool...And we go by the same rule as turbo's team


New Member
for VIBC we used to practices 2 times a day, one at 4 am, jus for an hour or so, strictly to build stamina, and then one more time in the evening around 7ish, where we would clean up moves formations etc.