• Bhangra discussion is still going strong. Join us in our Facebook group!

    New user registration has been closed (as it was entirely spam). We encourage you to post in our Facebook group, even if it's a followup to an existing thread. BTF will continue to be archived and hosted here - Saleem

Vibe Bhangra

New Member
VIBE Bhangra is excited to announce that we will be hosting our 2nd Annual Bhangra Competition on Sunday, Feb 19th, 2023 in San Francisco, CA!!

We’re very excited to announce details in the coming weeks and we invite you to follow us on instagram at @Vibebhangra. We will post regular and timely updates on registration process on Instagram as well as BTF.

Hope to hear from you all soon. Please reach out to vibebhangra@gmail.com if you have any questions in the meantime!

Remember: “Your TRIBE attracts the VIBE”

