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Week 5 Matchup 6: DJ MOMO vs. Suave Sahib

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BTF Mixing Mod
Below are the mixes for matchup 6 of our fifth week in the mixing ladder! Both DJs were assigned the song Akh Da Eshara - Meshi Eshara , linked below:

Each mixer's submissions are also listed below anonymously.

DJ 1:

DJ 2:

You can vote by commenting below with your choice of which DJ (1 or 2) mixed the song more effectively. Feedback is also welcome.
Voting closes on Thursday, August 23rd at 11:59 pm EST. Remember that voting is only open to those with 10 or more BTF posts. Your vote will not be counted if you do not have at least 10 posts.


Active Member
I vote DJ 1, the sound felt really full and the original music was really enhanced by the different rap songs. For DJ 2, I liked the songs you added and it was super hype. I feel like the juicy j "yeah ho" and the start of the song after the opening rap were slightly off beat.


BTF Mixing Mod
DJ 1: Savage intro. Adds to the track hype haha. I like how everything really builds well, yet each element of the track is clearly distinguishable and has its own room to shine in the mix. Definitely trying to work on this myself.

DJ 2: Nice vocal samples. The instrumentals in the back also make for a good compliment to the track. I would've personally liked a bit more emphasis on the Punjabi song, as I think it didn't integrate as much with the other elements, but strong take on the challenge!

My vote to DJ 1.


♥ BTF ♥
Staff member
DJ 1 has a dope mix for sure. Loved the separation among the low, mids, and highs.. great job on EQing. I wish after the drop at 0:43, you slowed down the song to give some more variety and provide a change of pace. I feel this song has the potential to sound amazing slowed down and it would have incorporated well into your existing mix.

DJ 2 - loved the piano, but too many curse words for my taste, lol. I felt the start of the song provided could have been blended better (i.e. starting at 0:24). I also feel that if you have used samples from something other than rap songs, it would have helped give the mix a different feel.

My vote: DJ 1

~ Basim :)
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Well-Known Member
BTF Mixing Mod
DJ 1 gets my vote for sure. Gin and Juice worked legit perfectly. DJ 2's beat was a sick beat too, but a little too dark for the song. I think if this were a more intense old Punjabi school song, this would have been a more appropriate beat to throw behind it.
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