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Acid Music Studio 10 vs. Acid pro 7


Active Member
If you're looking for the cheapest professional production software, Reaper's your best bet. I want to say it's actually a fully functional free "trial" that never actually expires (after a month it gives you an annoying 5second ad when you open it up but if you aren't using it commercially then nbd). The license is also very inexpensive less than $100 I think if you decide to pay. I personally do not use it, my personal recommendation would be the full ableton suite but it is extremely expensive ($600 or so before any student discounts), but also very intuitive and powerful. Feel free to pm me with questions, good luck!

PS. I don't know much about Acid at all


Active Member
Simple answer: Avoid Sony ACID. Sony has stopped development on it, and extremely outdated. (And I think they even sold their entire DAW division to another company).

If you want to start anything music related start with DAWs like Ableton, Bitwig, FL Studio, Logic X etc.
I've tried Reaper, it was better when it was completely free for what it offers.

Look for DAWs that have decent algorithms with their stock plugins (Ableton, Bitwig, and FL take the cake here). Something with a decent work flow (almost all DAWs other than products like Reason).